Friday 25 October 2013

Coursework second piece 25th/10/2013

My problems by Ruairi Egan monologue piece.

I have had a hell of a year I am not going to lie. For starters; my mate got stabbed. I have run out of money. My mum’s kicked me out. My grades that I got from school are awful, that I would rather not speak about them - at all. Oh and did I forget? My dad’s ran off with another woman. ANOTHER WOMAN. I can’t be bothered to explain, I haven't got the faintest idea of why he ran off, I mean like who the heck does that to their own family! I'm not that bothered though to be honest but it’s my mother that I worry about, I mean he could have left her note or something - but seriously I thought things like this only happened on East Enders or some rubbish fantasy soap like that! I'm annoyed at my dad the most though because if he hadn't run off with another woman then my mum would not have had to have kicked me out because my dad was the only thing stopping me from  getting kicked out. Oh... and did I forget, my biggest problem is that... I'm a junkie.

I feel so paranoid. Every time I step outside I feel as if everyone is watching me: when I cross the road, when I buy a coffee or even when I am browsing around the shops. I sense everyone's judging me because of my appearance as I have not had a shower in days, my hairs greasy and I've got a bit of a scruffy beard!  I FEEL SHIT!

But hey, hang-on, why me? All my life I have been taunted, teased and expected to fail. You know what? I am so done with everyone in my life at the moment. I need someone new in my life. Oh yeah of course I'm sorry I forgot about you, I always get entangled into my own thoughts. What is it you wanted to say again? (Awkward silence)

(Grabs needle and inserts into popping vein)

Wait a minute though (peers around the room). Oh my God!? Have I really  been ranting to myself for the past 5 minutes thinking that someone was here with me like as if I was having a conversation with someone like a friend.

What's wrong with me? Am I ill? Am I insane? Am I demented? I don't have a clue what I have just been doing - the very last thing I remember saying to myself was "I have had a hell of a year I am not going to lie".

This is mental! It's almost as if I didn't exist or was alive after those few words -  I can't comprehend or explain the emotion and despair that I am feeling right now!

Wait, wait, wait don't worry. There must be a reason for this blank memory of mine, yeah? I mean I do know that I do have my own problems, but what kind of problems make you forget your whole life completely. Hang-on. Why do I feel so good - but at the same time I feel... so paranoid...

(Breathing heavily) Wait... (Stares at needle lying on the floor)  I've never felt this good before - the feeling at the beginning when you take a hit is sensational, its almost as if you're on a different planet!

I see everything now! I see the world for what it really is!  I can see all the stars! I can hear the noises of the 7 billion people moving across the earth! I can  hear the sun's heartbeat! (Looks around in dismay and disbelief) Where am I and how on earth am I meant to get out of here? Why is the sky bright purple, why are the walls in my room green with endless black tunnels coming out of them?

(Peers across) Wait I see some funny sort of shape it could be some sort of creature that could help me get out of here - I do feel great and wonderful, but I'm scared that I'll never see the reality of earth ever again. It looks like it could help me find where the hell I am.

Oi! Yeah I'm talking to you! What am I doing here? Where am I? And how the hell do I get out of here! Don't just look at me! Answer the bloody question!

(Awkward pause) Hang on... this creature... this planet... the tunnel of blackness... I know where I am and how I got here! I'm in hell! My biggest and worst fear of taking smack has become reality... I'M IN HELL (Tears begin to fall from his face as he curls up into a ball on the floor)


(Pause) If this is hell, or even heaven, then it won't be for long until either some gigantic evil devil comes along to take me or hopefully some angel comes to save me from this desolate place! Wait, the weird creature is starting to come towards me! Wait, calm down, maybe if I reason with it then perhaps it will explain to me what the hell is going on! Hey mister, sorry if I was rude earlier to you, I just wanted to know where I am.

Please! Man! Stop walking towards me! I'm so so so sorry about earlier! Please just leave me be! Are you even bothering to listen to me or are you just retarded!? If you had any humanity in yourself you would have stopped by now and stopped harassing me.

I feel incredible pain now! Pain that I have never felt before! Arghhhhh! This is it - I'm ready for death to take me!

Wait! Please mister creature stop doing whatever you're doing! We can help each other and both get out of here alive! Why must I die!?

(Gets on knees as blood begins to come gushing out his mouth as he screams with pain) Wait, wait, wait, WAIT!! Just tell me ----

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